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Many thanks for your help and feel free to circulate around the world.

Dear CHARLES ‘Chuck’ Lord Historical Research- Houston, Texas, USA

Dear C.O & A.J Lord,

Thank you for your letter regarding your book ‘Appalachian Crisis.’ Unfortunately, I don’t think I inquired about this book and it seems someone may have done this on my behalf. However, the story of The Abolition Movement, the Secret Six Group, George Washington Anderson and the slave trade sounds fascinating and an immense read. ‘John Brown’s Raid and the Civil War require 126 fictional and 210 historical characters to weave the story.’- that is truly huge, for #34.60 it seems like a very reasonable purchase and to dedicate fifteen years of research is something to be admired. Unfortunately, I will have to say no to this offer but thank you for sending me the info. I have enclosed some of my current project which has taken about a year of research. If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Yours Sinc

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